New York

A Guide to Sustainability Reporting – Supercharge Your Marketing

Copylab 31 August 2024

by Jen Causton and Sarah Libralato

laundry list | noun

  • A long or exhaustive list of people or things

We’re nearly there with our long list of considerations of what you may want to include when compiling your ESG report. In our previous note, we highlighted the importance of engaging with your working group before you begin writing the document. We’ve found that starting collaboration early is essential for efficiency – after all, ESG reports can often turn out encyclopedic in scale! For example, you may have a steer on what has worked and what hasn’t worked with previous ESG pieces, and your firm’s sustainability team will be able to advise you on metrics you should include.

At an investment level

  • Investment approaches and philosophies.
  • Any group-wide investment policies?
  • Any ESG integration frameworks?
  • Approach to engagement and voting across investment teams.
  • Examples of engagements and escalation.
  • Risk management.

Top tip: make the distinction between firm-level and fund-level commitments to avoid confusing the reader. This is especially important if funds have different approaches to ESG integration, or if certain funds do not consider ESG factors.


When you are creating your ESG report, remember that you should be aiming to make it as transparent as possible. A well-structured report will not only look good, but also make for easier reading.

Consider what information may sit better as an appendix rather than potentially interrupting the flow within the body of your document.

  • All companies engaged with during the year – you may want to highlight specific examples within the report itself.
  • Links to your company’s policies.
  • A list of related reports your company produces.
  • A list of public commitments – not just the more prominent ones, such as the UN PRI and IIGCC. You could also highlight if your company supports the efforts of Fair Tax, or your status as a Living Wage employer. Why not include each organisation’s logo to make this section more engaging?
  • Depending on the length of your report, you may also decide to include your TCFD response and how your company complies with the UN PRI principles.

Supercharge your marketing

  • Repurpose your content: create thought leadership pieces and case studies focused on your company’s ESG efforts.
  • What can you tailor for retail audiences? Take your report to another level and make it easier to digest with infographics, charts and tables.
  • Real-life stories can help investors understand why your company’s commitment to sustainability is important and how it helps create value for both shareholders and fund holders.
  • Adapt your content for multiple communication channels to reach a wider audience.
  • Why not run a podcast series to chat through what may be a rather lengthy and dry report?

Get in touch

Copylab’s team of professionals have the deep financial, sustainability, and reporting expertise to meet your organization’s needs. Whether you’d like our team to manage the project from start to finish, provide you with templates and tools for success, or something in between, Copylab has a solution that will work for you. Our approach is entirely flexible and can be tailored to align with your requirements.