New York

Inspire Inclusion: Copylab’s Commitment to Empower and Celebrate Women

Sarah Williams 7 March 2024
financial services marketing agency

International Women’s Day 2024 brings with it the powerful theme of “Inspire Inclusion,” a rallying call for breaking barriers, challenging stereotypes and creating an environment where all women are valued and respected. This theme resonates deeply at Copylab, as we embrace the principles of diversity, equality and empowerment.

Inspiring Inclusion in Action at Copylab

Our commitment to inclusion is not just a statement; it is reflected in our day-to-day practices and initiatives.

Leadership and Decision-Making Diversity: One of the hallmarks of Inspire Inclusion is ensuring diversity in leadership and decision-making positions. At Copylab, this is not just a goal; it is a reality. We take pride in our achievement of having 60% of these crucial roles held by women. This statistic mirrors our dedication to fostering diversity and cultivating an inclusive atmosphere where every voice is heard.

Supporting Managers: We recognise the pivotal role of managers in creating a positive work environment, and endeavour to provide them with the necessary support and tools. Our initiatives include quarterly workshops and personalised development plans aligned with our management skills matrix.

Employee Satisfaction: Our commitment to creating a supportive work environment is evident in our employee satisfaction scores. Copylab boasts a 96% rating for care and respect, with a 75% rating for developmental opportunities.

Intern Programs: We invest in the future by supporting women early in their careers through intern and mentorship programs.

Remote First and Flexible Working: Remote and flexible working help to support our diverse workforce. We believe our team should have the freedom to determine when and how they work most effectively. Here at Copylab, we value outcomes over presenteeism, helping us foster a culture of trust.

Menopause Support: Acknowledging the distinct challenges faced by women, we have introduced lunch and learn sessions to share resources and offer support for those navigating the menopausal journey.

Inclusive Hiring Practices: Our hiring process integrates blind testing, ensuring candidates are evaluated solely on their skills and capabilities.

Feedback: Regular surveys and engagement forums with equal male/female representation ensure that our employees have an inclusive platform to voice their opinions, promoting ongoing improvements in our practices.

Results Speak Louder

Our efforts are not in vain. An impressive 89% of our team feel we have a highly inclusive working environment, a testament to the impact of our initiatives. Moreover, our retention rate for female employees sits at approximately 95%. This International Women’s Day, Copylab stands proud as a beacon of inspiration for inclusion, actively contributing to a world where all women are empowered, valued, and celebrated.